My Journey Through a Vipassana Course in the UAE

10 Day Vipassana course from 15th April 2023 to 26th April 2023

I had always been curious about meditation but never knew where to start. Life in the fast-paced, ever-changing environment of Dubai UAE has left me feeling bored and lonely when I was in between jobs. I always think the toughest task for me is sitting at home without any target. My husband counseled me and told me to use this time wisely to learn some kind of activities that will make me happy. He helped me with a few options like swimming, baking, Arabic language, etc. That was the same time when I started my website Health By Nurses@ Nurses Health to express and share my views with all of you. He helped me in exploring my thoughts about happiness. What does happiness mean to me? I told him that since 2016 I thought of going for the Vipassana course as I have met someone in the Himsuta Bus during my travel from Delhi to my hometown in Himachal. The young teenage girl was very happy and excited about her travel to Dhamma Sikhara Vipassana Centre Dharmashala. After knowing that I belonged to Himachal she asked me number of questions about the place, the Vipassana Center. But I was unaware of Vipasana. She was also exploring it for the first time, I could feel her anxiety and mixed emotions but I was not helpful for her as it was new for me as well. Anyway, I got inspired by her for the course & had a great travel with her. After that, I started exploring Vipassana, each day when I felt bored and lonely.  I planned in the past also for one or two times but it’s not easy to leave everything and stay disconnected from the entire world for 10 days. Sometimes job sometimes family or many other reasons will make it difficult to give time to just yourself. What we says-ME TIME ONLY.

So, when I stumbled upon a Vipassana meditation course, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to seek some inner peace and clarity about my life. I was excited & happy that I was going to explore what I wanted to do for the last 8yeras. But at the same time, I was quite stressed as I was waiting for one job offer while keeping another two on hold. Again my husband supported me and guided me to go for the course & finalize the job once I was back. So we decided and my mother-in-law were ready to attend 10 Day Vipassana course from 15th April 2023 to 26th April 2023.

Day 0: Arriving at the Vipassana Centre (Opposite Khatt police station – Khatt Springs Rd – Ras al Khaimah)

Driving through the desert landscape to the meditation center, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The center was a simple, serene place, far removed from the bustling cities. As I checked in and settled into my modest room, I realized this was going to be a journey like no other. We were briefed about the schedule and the rules, including the noble silence, which meant no talking, eye contact, or communication of any kind with other participants. The rules were very strict and no family members are allowed to stay together. I was in the first floor Room with my other 2 roommates, while my mother was in the ground floor room.

Days 1-3: Facing the Silence

The first three days were the hardest. Waking up at 4:00 AM, we started our meditation sessions almost immediately. Sitting cross-legged for hours on end was physically challenging, and my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and discomfort. I constantly questioned my decision to join the course and was hoping that I would get my job offer with an immediate joining request so that my husband could come to pick us up. Since no phone or external communication was allowed, I was not able to contact my husband and inform him to come and pick us up from there. I still remember the initial 2-3 days while sleeping number of thoughts made you crazy in that noble silence. On the third day, one of my roommates left the course in between as she was not able to handle her emotions & thoughts. I came to know this at 9:30 pm when I noticed her things were not there. For half an hour I was very tense as I was looking for her in the whole Vipassana complex because even though we were not allowed to talk or make eye contact I had heard her crying sounds in the initial 2 days and even during the Meditation course. I was feeling guilty also that I didn’t support her during her bad time. That night (3rd Day ) was the toughest night for me. When I tried to change my thoughts from my roommate,   another number of thoughts related to my childhood, school, college, and old workplace memories started troubling me. The noble silence felt isolating, and I craved the comfort of familiar distractions.

Day 4: A Breakthrough

On the fourth day, something shifted. As I focused on the sensations in my body and practiced observing them without reaction, I began to experience moments of stillness and clarity. It was as if the noise in my head had started to quiet down. This breakthrough gave me the motivation to push through the remaining days. On 4th Day, I was allowed to talk to the instructor during the given period to share challenges & to learn more deeply the art of meditation. Each day I experience something new with the same discipline of silence. I loved to hear the early morning rhymes after breakfast at 6:30 am.

Days 5-7: Deepening the Practice

With each passing day, the practice became more profound.  Rooms are equipped with all the facilities which are required for a comfortable stay. The silence that once felt oppressive now became a source of comfort. I began to appreciate the simple yet powerful act of being present during the evening walk and while resting in the bathtub. The teachings of S.N. Goenka, delivered through early-morning chanting & nightly discourses, started to resonate more deeply. They provided insights into the nature of suffering and the path to liberation through self-awareness and equanimity.

Days 8-9: Emotional Rollercoaster

These days were a mix of highs and lows. I experienced moments of deep emotional release, followed by periods of peace and contentment. It was as if years of pent-up emotions were finally finding their way to the surface and being released. I had a particularly powerful moment when I realized how often I reacted impulsively to life’s challenges. This newfound awareness was both humbling and empowering.

Day 10: Breaking the Silence

The noble silence was lifted on the last day, and we could finally speak with our fellow meditators. It was fascinating to hear that many had gone through similar struggles and breakthroughs. The sense of shared experience created a bond, even though we had spent most of the time in silence.

Returning to Everyday Life

As I left the center and returned to my daily life, I felt a profound sense of calm and clarity. The practice of Vipassana taught me to observe my thoughts and emotions without being swept away by them. I integrated daily meditation into my routine, and it significantly improved my ability to handle stress and maintain emotional balance.

Reflections and Advice

Looking back, my Vipassana experience in the UAE was transformative. It taught me the value of patience, self-discipline, and inner peace. For anyone considering this journey, I would advise going in with an open mind and being prepared for both physical and emotional challenges. Bring comfortable clothing, and remember that the initial discomfort is a gateway to profound personal growth.

Vipassana has been a lasting gift, providing me with the skills to live a more mindful and peaceful life. I left with fond memories of the bell ringing early in the morning and at night, each time delivering contrasting messages of “Good morning” and “Good night” with the same sound. Life often presents us with similar situations where the same words can carry different meanings. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the emotions behind the words rather than taking them at face value. This understanding allows us to respond with a calm and clear mind, taking appropriate actions.

May all beings be happy, peaceful, and liberated.

( For further reference & booking :

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